Work Better with Google Workspace

How to use Zapier to sync personal and work Google Calendars

Want to sync certain events from a personal to a work Google Calendar without manually inviting it each time? Learn how a Zapier workflow may be the answer in this easy to read, practical article.

Work Better with Google Workspace

Improve your Google Calendar productivity with keyboard shortcuts

Do you want to create or edit an event with a single click? How about jump to a specific date in Google Calendar? These shortcuts will help improve your productivity in less than 5 minutes!

Work Better with Google Workspace

How Do I Suggest A New Time in Google Calendar

We’ve all experienced it right? Someone sends us a calendar invitation and we want to attend but the time or date just isn’t right. So how do you suggest a new time if you’re using Google Calendar?

Work Better with Google Workspace

How To Create a Google Calendar Event Template

Do you ever have to create the same event over and over? Perhaps you’ve got standard ‘job details’ that need to be added to an event – how do you make sure they’re properly added?

Work Better with Google Workspace

What is a ‘workspace’ in Google Drive?

Are you a Google Workspace user? You may be wondering what ‘workspace’ is in Google Drive and how to use it. Read on to find out more!

Work Better with Google Workspace

What’s the difference between Google Keep and Google Tasks?

What a great question! And one that I think a lot of people ask. After all, you can set reminders on Google Keep just like you can on Google Tasks, you can put details into each and both show up in Google Calendar. So why choose one over the other? Do you even have to […]